Depression Therapy

Depression Therapy

“Am I depressed?” you start asking yourself. You know that something’s wrong, and you wonder if you should get depression treatment or go to therapy. But you’re not even sure if you are actually depressed. You just know that something is wrong.

You’ve been feeling extra sad and empty for a while now, and you just can’t seem to snap out of it. You’re sadder than usual, and you seem to not have the capacity to turn the feelings around either. You try to do what usually gives you so much joy and pleasure, but even that doesn’t work.

It’s like having a black hole deep inside you, and it’s sucking out all the good vibes and energy you have in you. Now, nothing’s left but feelings of worthlessness and doom. You keep wondering if how you’re feeling is just the normal ups and downs of life or if you are actually depressed? What’s the fine line between momentary feelings of sadness and depression anyway?

If you’ve been feeling like this for a while now, then get help. Feeling sad and lonely once in a while is a normal part of life. But when your overwhelming feelings of sadness starts affecting your daily life functions, that’s not right.


If you start feeling the following symptoms of depression, get professional help the soonest. Depression is a medical condition that you should not brush off. Don’t be afraid to seek help. There’s nothing wrong with looking for help. Remember that any emotions you have are yours and are valid.

Feelings of depression and anxiety can also result from life circumstances such as chronic illness diagnosis and management or prolonged periods of high stress.   


Depression is real, and it kills. If you are or you know someone who shows signs and symptoms of depression, get help. You don’t need to have all the listed symptoms to qualify for help either.

Depression looks different to everyone. For example, men tend to be more irritable and angry while women take on feelings of worthlessness and persistent sadness. Men also tend to behave recklessly and misuse alcohol when depressed. For teenagers and kids, the signs usually include self-harm, use of recreational drugs and/or alcohol, poor performance at school, extreme sensitivity, and avoidance of social interaction.

Like many other mental illnesses, it’s not exactly known what causes depression. But a combination of biological (hormones, brain chemistry, and genetics), psychological, and environmental or social factors play a role in it.

The treatment for depression often includes medication and psychotherapy, or both. Depression may be debilitating. But it is manageable!


At ThoughtWise, our mission doesn’t end in helping you identify what’s wrong. We offer depression treatment and therapy to equip you with coping skills for depression and enrich your life. We want you to get better. That’s what we’re here for!

We know that opening up is not easy. The mere acceptance that something might be wrong and then seeking help is not easy either! But it helps to talk. It helps to get it off your chest and express all the thoughts and emotions you’ve been keeping to yourself for so long, especially with someone who knows what you’re going through and what’s going to help you.

Whether it’s postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder, major depressive disorder, or simply a general feeling of being down in the dumps, we at ThoughtWise are here to help. You can manage and treat depression. If you think you’re depressed or know anyone who is, give us a call at 1(888) 876-9784 to see how we can help.


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