Autism Spectrum Disorder Testing and Evaluation at Thought Wise, Jacksonville

Are you concerned about your child’s development and wonder if they may benefit from an assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Have you been advised to seek testing for ASD or other neurodevelopmental issues for a young person between the ages of 6 and 18? Thought Wise in Jacksonville specializes in the assessment and management of Autism Spectrum Disorder and other cognitive and developmental concerns in this specific age group.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder

Since the 1940s, our comprehension of Autism Spectrum Disorder has evolved significantly. Many experts now recognize multiple factors contributing to ASD. Defined by the American Center for Disease Control as a developmental disability, ASD can impact individuals’ behavior, communication, socialization, and learning in ways that diverge from typical developmental milestones.

ASD manifests uniquely across individuals, with some displaying remarkable talents or facing challenges in language, nonverbal communication, and social interactions. The spectrum ranges widely, including those with conditions like Asperger’s Syndrome, which is a higher-functioning form of ASD.

ASD in Children and Adolescents (Ages 6-18)

ASD can be identified in children as young as two years old. However, the nuances of its presentation may become more apparent during the school years. Symptoms might include difficulties with peer interaction, a preference for solitary play, sensitivities to sensory input, and resistance to routine changes. With increasing recognition, the diagnosis rates in the U.S. have risen significantly, underscoring the need for early and accurate assessment.

At Thought Wise, we emphasize the importance of timely assessment and diagnosis for children and adolescents aged 6 to 18. This is crucial for accessing appropriate interventions and support.

What is Early Intervention?

Early intervention for children and adolescents with ASD involves specialized support tailored to their unique needs. While early intervention might traditionally be associated with very young children, it’s equally critical for school-aged children and teenagers. This could include mental health support, speech therapy, and tailored educational strategies. For older children and teenagers, understanding their ASD diagnosis can be pivotal in accessing the right support in educational settings and managing co-occurring conditions like anxiety or depression.

At Thought Wise, we offer a range of interventions, including:

  • Family therapy.
  • Narrative therapy.
  • Positive psychology.
  • Behavioral therapy.
  • PECS (Picture Exchange Communication Systems).
  • Behavioral trainings, neurofeedback, and biofeedback.

Specialized ASD Assessment and Intervention for Ages 6-18

Thought Wise is dedicated to serving the unique needs of children and adolescents within the Jacksonville community who are navigating the complexities of ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders. We understand the critical nature of specialized assessment and tailored interventions for this age group.

Requesting an Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment

To begin the process of ASD testing and evaluation for someone aged 6 to 18, please contact Thought Wise. Our team is committed to providing comprehensive services and support recognized by healthcare professionals nationwide. Let us help your child or loved one on their journey towards understanding and managing ASD.


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